I greet all of you and I want to thank you all for reading and offering your advice to me. Please I have been married for the past 11 years and we have two boys who are 10 and 7 years old. I met my husband at a prayer camp. My sister was having this sickness and we had taken her from one hospital to the other and from one prayer camp to the other and she was getting worse, so this friend of mine took us to a different region and my husband was part of the ushers there. My sister died though, but I have put all in the hands of God. After her death, I stopped attending the prayers but my husband who was then a friend was calling me to invite me and even encouraging me to trust God and that he knows why these things happen and I should have faith and keep praying. At that time, the financial situation in my family was very bad and there was also spiritual marriage. We are 4 girls and all of us were over 30 years without marriage.


My sister who died was 37 and was unmarried at the time of her death. Marriage became my main prayer topic and I was trusting God for it and he answered my prayers by joining my husband to me. It was a prophecy he received that his wife was a frequent attendee to the meetings and he will know when he meets her. When he proposed to me, he added the prophecy to it and I felt it deep within me that he was the one and I had finally met the one I have been looking for. So the following year, when I was 34 years, I married him. We were always at the prayer camp and the church put him on a salary. That was how we were feeding ourselves. When the children came into the picture, they didn’t miss evening services. The pastor used to make an example of us about how we all attend as a family and they would call us to the front and honour us.


But slowly things begun to change. Despite all our praying and praying and fasting, our finances got very bad. The church reduced my husband’s salary. The fruits I was selling near the prayer camp was not enough for us. He used to go and complain and all the pastor will tell us was to keep trusting God and having faith and everything will be alright. My husband’s father got sick and he brought him to the prayer camp per the direction of the pastor. Instead of getting better, the man got worse everyday until one day he wasn’t breathing well and we rushed him to the hospital. He died before we got there. This really affected my husband and he started asking so many questions. We have seen miracles happen to people who attend the camp the first time and he didn’t understand why he was working several years for God and things were getting worse for him.

My husband stopped attending. I was still going with the kids. Then he joined this group on Facebook. They were like people who didn’t believe in religion. My husband started telling me that the pastor has brainwashed us and he was now seeing the truth. He stopped us from going, but I still sneaked and went. We will argue over this for long. I couldn’t go with the children anymore but he couldn’t stop me from going all the time so he left me. One member of the facebook group got a job for my husband and it wasn’t that bad. I told the pastor about my husband’s breakthrough and he said I should bring him and make sure we sow a seed for the miracle to be permanent. When I came back to tell my husband, he warned me never to discuss our family issues with the man of God again. This is the same man of God who prayed and God used the man from facebook to get him a job.


The pastor and I have been praying for him and he said my husband has a serious evil spirit working against him that will cause his untimely death if he doesn’t come back and plead to the pastor for forgiveness. I have told him about the prophecy several times but he brushes it off. When I wake up in the midnight to pray, he will say I’m disturbing him. He doesn’t allow me to pray again. I don’t know if he still believes in God but all he says is that those churches are all fake and he wants me to stop going. Meanwhile they are praying for us and the prayers are working. Please I need advice on how to bring my husband back. His mother and father are both dead and he is the first born so he doesn’t listen to his younger brothers and sister. He used to be more spiritual than me and the pastor is saying he will die if he doesn’t return to the camp and ask to be forgiven. Please what do I do?