I’m not a religious person. I used to be catholic as a child, but when I travelled outside the country, I encountered a lot of people from different spheres of life and I became a more open-minded person. I believe in the existence of God. I just don’t believe there is one sure way to him. Religion tends to divide people. These are my personal sentiments and I don’t want to impose them on anyone. When I was 14 years, a pastor came to our school to talk to us about the WASSCE and how important it is for us to study. Then he called me separately and told me a few things about my life. The sequence of the events and the accuracy of the prophecy has been freaking me out and I just sort of need the opinions of others. I’m married to a caucasian woman. She’s an atheist and I don’t want to share issues like this with her.


The pastor told me I would go to the US before I turn 18. I will lose my christian beliefs. I will lose both parents before I turn 30 and I will marry a white lady who will have two miscarriages and decide never to give birth again. I was 14 and I didn’t have any plans of travelling abroad or anything like that. I only knew one person who lived in the US and that was my father’s brother. He and I barely even spoke at that time so I didn’t even think he will come and take me there. My dad died a year after that prophecy, right after my WASSCE. My Uncle started working for me to join him after dad’s death and a year later at 16, I touched down in the US. I completely forgot about that weird encounter with the prophet. My Uncle and his family were Christians but no one went to church. We just spoke about God once a while.


I made a lot of friends from different backgrounds and countries and for the first time in my life, I realised that everyone had their own beliefs. Everyone was sure of what they believed in. Non-religious people were happy and living great lives. It was all different from what I was taught back at home. They used to teach that if you neglect God, you will be miserable and there’ll be no progress in your life. In Ghana most people are religious and judgemental. In the US, most people are non-judgemtal and more accomodating of diverse beliefs. So I completely forgot about the prophecy. I met my wife in college and I asked her out. We were in a relationship for a few years and then we got married.

My mum got ill when I was 25. I was already married around that time and my wife had had her first miscarriage. I wanted to go back to Ghana to see her when she was getting worse. I got home too late. She passed a week to my flight and that’s one of the worst regrets of my life. The last time I saw her in person was when I was 16 and it still hurts. Thing is I’m a bit freaked out right now. My wife just had a second miscarriage and she suggested we consider adoption. We can go through a couple of medical procedures, but she thinks it’s stressful. After her miscarriage, I had this weird flashback as a teenager in the motherland and how this man told me that all of these things will happen before I turn 30. I’m 28 now and every single one of them have happened.


Truth is, I tried seeing a physic for some answers and her predictions were completely vague and not specific. I feel like I’m going crazy right now because there’s no way that preacher could have accurately predicted my life with all of those timeframes. I mean the dude basically mentioned the ages and all that stuff. What do you guys think about all of this? Is it a coincidence? Am I overreacting? Man I just need your opinions.