I have been a side chick to this man for two years. He has taken good care of me and from the beginning, I knew he was married with four girls. His last born was born last year. We were together when his wife gave birth. When they did the scan and got to know the gender of the baby, he came to my place with a lot of anger and bitterness and said he wanted a boy so bad. His wife has also been giving birth by C-section and he said they both agreed that this will be the last baby even if it turns out to be a girl again. My zaddy has two sisters and he says he is the only man and his family name will be lost if he doesn’t have a son.


Initially, it looked like he has accepted that he will not have a son. But all of a sudden, this man said he wants to have a son with me. I’m just a 21 year old girl and I’m too young for this. I’m now starting with life and I don’t want to be a born one. Especially when it’s for a married man. My zaddy is threatening to stop taking care of me and leave me if I don’t meet his demands, meanwhile this man is married. I have been persuading him to try one more time with his wife and maybe a son will come out of it but he has insisted. He was buying me pills anytime he came around, but now he has stopped because he wants me to get pregnant. I have also started to buy my own pills because I don’t want to become pregnant. I’m still too young for that.


When he saw that I wasn’t getting pregnant after several months of having sex with me consistently, he got the hint. One day he came to my place without my knowledge. It’s a house he has without his wife’s knowledge so he has the spare keys. He knew I wasn’t home and he came to search my room to see if I have been buying pills and he saw that I still had a lot. When I returned, my room was messy and he was sitting down waiting for me to come. When I got inside, I saw him and we started to fight. He hit me very hard and left me crying in the room. He didn’t mind me for a week and he wasn’t sending me any money. I started getting desperate and worried so I called him and apologised. I told him I will not buy any more pills but he should give me some time to process the whole thing because I’m not ready to become a mother.

We patched things up and he sent me some money for the week. He also resumed his normal way of coming to me after work before going home. I have bought the pills again without his knowledge but this time I’m keeping it at a friend’s place so I am not worried if he ever comes to search for anything in my room. The thing is that I am getting worried that he will find another side chick to impregnate her if I don’t do it or he will get another side chick in addition to me. I want to be his only side chick. I don’t know what I’ll do if he leaves me because my single mother is busy taking care of my brothers and sister and I am even the one who send them some of the money my zaddy gives me. He is all I have and there are no jobs for SHS graduates so it’s not my fault that I am with a married man. My mother knows but she has kept quiet because of the money I send them.


Please I need advice from all of you but no insults please. We are all not perfect and I am just trying to survive because I am not from a good home and I wasn’t born into a rich family so I am doing what I have to do to get money to survive. Please advice me on how to handle my zaddy. Thank you