I’m living with the dirtiest woman I have come across. I always thought that women are more neat and hygenic than men, but it seems my wife missed the day God was sharing the anointing to be neat because I don’t know what else to say or do to this woman to tidy up her surroundings. Our marriage is in its third year and we have a son. My wife is not just dirty and untidy, she is so lazy. I don’t know how she is able to continue living the way she is living without feeling any motivation to change for the better.


She and I were not in a relationship. We had a fling and she got pregnant out of it. My wife is the daughter of a pastor and we had to marry early to cover the shame. Her father was the one who even paid for the wedding because I wasn’t having the resources to. I didn’t want this marriage but my dad was also hard on me and told me to be a man and do the right thing. Three years later and here we are. My wife has gone to Bible school and is now a full-time lady pastor. That’s her job and the church pays her. As for me, her dad kept persuading me to go to the church’s pastoral school for free, but I know I don’t have the calling so I’ve been dodging the man since. I’m just selling my electrical appliances and doing my other businesses on the side.


I’m the man in the house, I go to work from Monday to Saturday. I come home in the evening, yet I am the one who sweeps the room and scrubs the bathroom when I can. If I don’t do it, my wife will not even lift a finger to do it. She barely cooks and her excuse is that she is tired. We are always buying food outside. On Sundays, I am forced to drag myself to church. If I don’t go, my father-in-law will call and give me a long lecture about the dangers of backsliding. I feel like I have no control in my marriage. My wife just does what she does and I can’t do anything because she threatens me with telling her daddy.

I spoke to my dad about wanting a divorce. This marriage was a mistake from the beginning. There’s no way her dad will allow me to divorce because he cares more about his reputation as a man of God than the mess of a marriage I have gotten myself into. I know his daughter doesn’t love me and maybe that’s why she is intentionally frustrating me. I also don’t love her. This whole marriage was a big mistake and I feel trapped because I can’t divorce her.