I went to Kwahu Easter with two friends somewhere in 2019. We planned it to be a week long thing and my friends and I packed for it. One of my guys is a divorcee, me and the other friend have never married. We had initially planned to go for the paragliding festival the previous year, but due to a few reasons, we didn’t go. So as for 2019, we planned ahead and made sure we didn’t miss. We got a small motel and hired the place for a week. On the first day, the event was slow and we were even bored at first. But the last night was where the whole action happened.


So we did the paragliding and everything. During the last night for us, which was Easter Monday, we went from one pub to another dancing soluku and drinking beer. We were just enjoying ourselves. Then I spotted this lady dancing and tw*rking so I approached with my own moves and we started doing our soloku dance. The whole night it was just me and her dancing soloku. She didn’t allow any other guy to dance with her. Later I bought her a few drinks and we spoke for a while. The club was very noisy so we strolled away from the noise and spoke. Then I took her to the motel we were lodging. I knew my friends will not be home until morning. I and the lady went two rounds there and the feeling was like I was in heaven. We exchanged cotacts and I got her a car home around 4am. When my friends came, I told them about the fun I had with her and they all laughed.


We were supposed to have left on Tuesday, but I paid for one more week at the same place we were staying. My friends were working 9-5 jobs, so they left me. I was doing my own graphic designing work and it was flexible. I wanted to meet the lady again. When my friends left, I invited her over and she came. Throughout that week, we were having fun and getting to know each other. I told her I was interested in her and she accepted. When I was leaving, I promised her that I’ll find a way to bring her to Accra and stay with me. She was excited. She was a 19 year old girl who had met a 32 year old mature guy, It was normal. I wasn’t playing games with her though. I was interested at that time. But when I returned home, I got busy with work. I tried to stay in touch, but she was calling all the time I couldn’t keep up. She started accusing me of using her and dumping her like Accra guys do when they come to Kwahu.

Then she called me one time and told me she was pregnant. My first thought was that she was lying. Then, I assumed it wasn’t even mine. This girl was an SHS graduate and she was basically having fun in a pub. I’m sure other guys had slept with her and it wasn’t only me. The first question I asked her was that is she sure it was my child? She started crying on the phone for doubting her and I promised to come to Kwahu over the weekend and that’s what I did. I went through the long process of meeting her parents and family. They wanted me to marry their daughter right away. I instead brought some shnapps and told them I would marry her after she gives birth. That became a problem and I had to bring my parents and a few uncles to come and discuss the way forward.


I wasn’t sure the pregnancy was mine. So I went back to Accra and I was visiting her and her family on weekends. I brought them gifts to let them know I’m a serious guy and I wasn’t just playing with their daughter. I spoke to a friend of mine about the issue and he gave me the number of another doctor friend who can help me do a dna test to be sure the baby was mine when they are born. My girl knew she was pregnant with twins because she went for scan and they told her. But she and her family kept it from me for reasons best known to them. After she gave birth, I went over to see the babies with my dad and uncle. All doubts I had about the paternity just vanished. They were identical twin girls and they looked like me even at that stage when it was difficult to see who babies resemble. Even my dad pointed it out that those are my babies when we were leaving for Accra.

After some months, I got some saliva samples from the babies with something the doctor gave me. I wanted to settle it in my conscience that they were mine so that I see the way forward. I brought the samples to Accra and the DNA was done. I didn’t inform my girl or parents. Only my friends knew I was doing the test. The test proved they were my children. My parents were happy about the twins and after a lot of back and forths between travelling to Accra and Kwahu, I can say that I have a wife now. We got married three months ago. She and the children stay with me in Accra and she is learning hairdressing. My daughters are very beautiful and anytime I look at that them, I give thanks God. My friends usually tease me that I like soloku so much that it has given me twins and we all laugh about it now. Sometimes in life, we need to have fun a little. Our blessings may be closer than we think.